Thursday, March 7, 2013



The implementation phase of the software development involves translation of design specification into source code, and debugging, documentation and unit, integration testing of the source code. Modern programming languages provide many features to enhance the quality of the source code. These include structured control constructs, built in and user defined data types. Secure type checking, flexible scope rules, and exception handling mechanisms, concurrency constructs, and separate compilation of modules. Some of these features can be simulated in primitive programming languages by use of disciplined programming style.
Errors discovered during the implementation phase may include errors in the algorithms, errors in data structures and requirement specification by failure to capture the customer’s needs in the requirements specification. Deducting and rectifying maximum errors before implementing is the better way to developing quality products.
Unit testing
Unit testing is done in each module completion in implementation stage. After implementation System testing involves two kinds of activities: Integration testing and Acceptance testing. Strategies for integrating software components into a functioning product include the bottom up, and top down strategy. The integration strategy dictates the order in which modules must be available and thus exerts a strong influence or the order in which modules are written, debugged and unit tested.
Integration Strategies
Bottom up integration Strategy may have some disadvantages includes the necessity to write and debug test harnesses for the modules and subsystems, and level of complexity that results from combining modules and subsystems into larger and larger units, the extreme case of complexity results when each module is unit tested in isolation and all modules are then linked and executed in one single integration run. This is the ‘big-bang’ approach to integration testing; the mail problem with big-bang integration is the difficulty of isolating the sources of errors.
Top-down integration strategy starts with the main module and one or two immediately sub modules in the system structure. After this top top-level ‘skeleton’ has been thoroughly test, it becomes the test harness for its immediately subordinate modules. Top down integration requires the use of program stubs to simulate the effect of lower level routines that are called by those being tested.
In this project, the top-down integration technique employed by the following advantages.
1. System integration is distributed throughout the implementation phase. Modules are integrated as they are developed.
2. Top level interfaces are tested first and most often
3. The top-level routines provide a natural test harness for lower level routines.
4. Errors are localized to the new modules and interfaces that are being added.
Acceptance testingAcceptance testing involves planning and execution of functional test, performance tests, and stress tests in order to demonstrate that the implemented system satisfies its requirements. It is not unusual for two sets of acceptance tests to be run. Those developed by the quality assurance group and those developed by customer.
In addition to functional and performance test, stress tests are performance tests; stress tests are performed to determine the limitations of the system. For Example, A compiler might be tested to determine the effect of symbol table overflow, or real time system might be tested to determine the effect of simulations arrival of numerous high-priority interrupts.
Typically, Acceptance test will incorporate test cases developed during unit testing and integration testing, additional test cases are added to achieve the desired level of functional, performance, and stress testing of the entire system. Tools of special importance during acceptance testing include test coverage analyzers, a timing analyzer, and a coding standards checker.The test coverage analyzers records the control paths followed for each test case. The cumulative record is used to establish the extent of test coverage obtained during acceptance testing. Without this tool, it is impossible to establish the extent of test coverage obtains. In large systems the coverage analyzers may record only the routines called and not in the individual statements executed.

This project “E-land handling” is developed to support the “buying and selling process of lands in online”. It consists of all essential modules to carry out the all activities of land handling over online..
It will reduce the time and effort by searching lands directly or purchasing anything with intermediate persons. Now it is developed to support purchase and sales of Dindigul and it can be easily expanded all over the country by easily expanding it to all districts and states towns. Effectively supports all type of activities of property sales activities.
Any person can operate and use this web application without any special training and computer knowledge.
This product is tested with the sample queries that proved the satisfactory for the users. The coding was written with essential coding standards so further enhancements and adaptations are very easy. Any programmer can add a needed module
The tables used in databases are very simply designed without any data redundancy so any one can understand the operational architecture of this product to further enhancement.
This product is developed by using Visual basic .NET as front-end and SQL Server as Backend due to its simplicity and User friendliness, menu driven GUI Package.
Some other features of this product
· Carefully developed to avoid errors during implementation
· Provides easy controls and appropriate access of commands.
· Any type of information can be get from the reports.
· User interface are very mild and designed in neat manner
· The product does not contain any highly graphical animations and system interacting timing routines in order to reduce the rapid processor utilization.

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