Friday, March 13, 2015

Implementation stack and infix expression that is fully parenthesized using stack in java

Towers of Hanoi implementation using stack

package com.java2novice.ds.stack;
public class TowersOfHanoiImpl
    private static MyDynamicStack[] tower;
    public static void towersOfHanoi(int n)
         tower = new MyDynamicStack[4];
        for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
            tower[i] = new MyDynamicStack(4);
        for (int d = n; d > 0; d--)
            tower[1].push(new Integer(d));
        showTowerStates(n, 1, 2, 3);
     public static void showTowerStates(int n, int x, int y, int z)
        if (n > 0)
                showTowerStates(n - 1, x, z, y);
                 Integer d = (Integer) tower[x].pop();
                System.out.println("Move disk " + d
                        + " from tower "+ x + " to top of tower " + y);
                showTowerStates(n - 1, z, y, x);
            } catch(Exception ex){}
     public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Running 3 disk problem:");
public class MyDynamicStack
    private int stackSize;
    private int[] stackArr;
    private int top;
    public MyDynamicStack(int size)
        this.stackSize = size;
        this.stackArr = new int[stackSize]; = -1;
     public void push(int entry)
            System.out.println(("Stack is full. Increasing the capacity."));
        this.stackArr[++top] = entry;
     public int pop() throws Exception
            throw new Exception("Stack is empty. Can not remove element.");
        int entry = this.stackArr[top--];
        return entry;
    public long peek()
        return stackArr[top];
    private void increaseStackCapacity()
        int[] newStack = new int[this.stackSize*2];
        for(int i=0;i
            newStack[i] = this.stackArr[i];
        this.stackArr = newStack;
        this.stackSize = this.stackSize*2;
    public boolean isStackEmpty()
        return (top == -1);
    public boolean isStackFull()
        return (top == stackSize - 1);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        MyDynamicStack stack = new MyDynamicStack(2);
        for(int i=1;i<10 i="" span="">
        for(int i=1;i<4 i="" span="">
            catch (Exception e)

Evaluation of an infix expression that is fully parenthesized using stack in java

package com.java2novice.ds.stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class InfixFullParantEx
    public static String evaluateInfix(String exps)
    exps = exps.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
        MyGenericsStack stack = new MyGenericsStack(exps.length());
          StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(exps, "{}()*/+-", true);
            String tkn = tokens.nextToken();
                    || tkn.equals("{")
                    || tkn.matches("[0-9]+")
                    || tkn.equals("*")
                    || tkn.equals("/")
                    || tkn.equals("+")
                    || tkn.equals("-"))
             else if(tkn.equals("}") || tkn.equals(")"))
                    int op2 = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop());
                    String oprnd = stack.pop();
                    int op1 = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop());
                    int result = 0;
                        result = op1*op2;
                    } else if(oprnd.equals("/"))
                        result = op1/op2;
                     else if(oprnd.equals("+"))
                        result = op1+op2;
                      else if(oprnd.equals("-"))
                        result = op1-op2;
                catch (Exception e)
        String finalResult = "";
            finalResult = stack.pop();
         catch (Exception e)
        return finalResult;
        public static void main(String a[])
        String expr = "((2*5)+(6/2))";
        System.out.println("Expression: "+expr);
        System.out.println("Final Result: "+evaluateInfix(expr));
        expr = "(((2 * 5) - (1 * 2)) / (11 - 9))";
        System.out.println("Expression: "+expr);
        System.out.println("Final Result: "+evaluateInfix(expr));
public class MyGenericsStack
    private int stackSize;
    private T[] stackArr;
    private int top;
    public MyGenericsStack(int size)
        this.stackSize = size;
        this.stackArr = (T[]) new Object[stackSize]; = -1;
    public void push(T entry)
            System.out.println(("Stack is full. Increasing the capacity."));
        System.out.println("Adding: "+entry);
        this.stackArr[++top] = entry;
         public T pop() throws Exception
            throw new Exception("Stack is empty. Can not remove element.");
        T entry = this.stackArr[top--];
        System.out.println("Removed entry: "+entry);
        return entry;
   public T peek()
        return stackArr[top];
     private void increaseStackCapacity()
              T[] newStack = (T[]) new Object[this.stackSize*2];
        for(int i=0;i
            newStack[i] = this.stackArr[i];
        this.stackArr = newStack;
        this.stackSize = this.stackSize*2;
    public boolean isStackEmpty()
        return (top == -1);
     public boolean isStackFull()
        return (top == stackSize - 1);

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