Find the First Capital Letter in a String without using Recursion
char caps_check(char *);
int main()
char string[20], letter;
printf("Enter a string to find it's first capital letter: ");
scanf("%s", string);
letter = caps_check(string);
if (letter == 0)
printf("No capital letter is present in %s.\n", string);
printf("The first capital letter in %s is %c.\n", string, letter); }
return 0;
char caps_check(char *string)
int i = 0;
while (string[i] != '\0')
if (isupper(string[i]))
return string[i];
return 0;
Enter a string to find it's first capital letter: prOgraMmInG
The first capital letter in prOgraMmInG is O.
Solve Tower-of-Hanoi Problem using Recursion
void towers(int, char, char, char);
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter the number of disks : ");
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("The sequence of moves involved in the Tower of Hanoi are :\n");
towers(num, 'A', 'C', 'B');
return 0;
void towers(int num, char frompeg, char topeg, char auxpeg)
if (num == 1)
printf("\n Move disk 1 from peg %c to peg %c", frompeg, topeg);
towers(num - 1, frompeg, auxpeg, topeg);
printf("\n Move disk %d from peg %c to peg %c", num, frompeg, topeg);
towers(num - 1, auxpeg, topeg, frompeg);
Enter the number of disks : 3
The sequence of moves involved in the Tower of Hanoi are :
Move disk 1 from peg A to peg C
Move disk 2 from peg A to peg B
Move disk 1 from peg C to peg B
Move disk 3 from peg A to peg C
Move disk 1 from peg B to peg A
Move disk 2 from peg B to peg C
Move disk 1 from peg A to peg C