Thursday, January 17, 2013

Computer Software

Computer Software

       Software is a set of programs,which is designed to perform a well defined function. A program is a sequence of instruction written to solve a particular problem.
Software is classify into two types. Namely,
  1. System software
  2. Application software
     It is collection of programs designed to operate, control and extend the processing capabilities of the computer itself. System Software are generally prepared by computer manufactures.
Features of System Software
  • It is Close to system.
  • It is Fast in speed.
  • It is Difficult to manipulate.
  • It is Smaller in size.
  • It is Difficult to design.
  • It is Difficult to understand.
  • It is Generally written in low level language.
Types of System Software

  1. System control program
  2. System support program
  3. System development programs

1.System control programs -It control the execution of programs .exp-Operating system

2.System support programs-It  provide routine service function to other computer programs and users. Exp-utility programs.
Some utility programs are-Text editors, They are used to create and edit files. For exp-notepad is the text editor.

Backup utilities-These utility programs help us to backup of our important data.
By using these programs files are backed up to floppies, CD and DVD.

Data recovery software-Sometimes an illegal operation may result in an  accidental loss of data which was still to be needed then we used data recovery software. Exp-Recycle bin.

Compression utilities- Compression utility are used to compress large sized files so that they can be stored in storage of low capacity. Win-zip is a popular compression utility used in window based desktops.       

Anti virus utility- Any program that effect the normal working of the other programs or effect the boot sector of the disk is a virus. The anti virus software detects the virus, identify and prevent it from spreading. Some examples of anti-virus software are Norton’s anti virus, MC afee etc.

3.System Development Programs- They assists in the creation of computer programs.  Examples of system development are – programming language, language translations.

Application Software

      Appliciation Software are the software that are designed to satisfy a particular need of  particular environment. All Software prepared by us in the computer lab. Examples of Appliciation Software are Student Record Software,Railway Reservation Software,Income Tax Software,Word Processors etc.

Features of Application Software
  • It is close to user.
  • It is Slow in speed
  • It is Easy to understand.
  • It is Easy to manipulate
  • It is generally, written in high level language
  • It is easy to design.
Types of Application Software

General purpose application software-General purpose application software are designed to satisfy common needs of various business.Some general purpose software are-
Word Processor-Word Processor is the software used to word processing. There are many word processors available in the market. The common and the popular among are: Word Star, MS-WORD.
Electronic Spreadsheet-A spreadsheet contains greed of cells arranged in columns and rows. Data is entered into the cells to represent information. Examples of electronics spreadsheet are lotus 1, 2, 3 and excel.
Presentation Software-presentation software are the software which are used to present information to a large number of people. Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation software.
Desktop Publishing Software- desktop publishing software are used for type setting and designing purposes. Well know desktop publishing software are page marker and Coral Draw.
Web Browser Software-with an internet connection, this type of software enables a user to visit from one site to another by following, to search locations and view web documents .Examples are Netscape communicator, Microsoft internet explorer 6.

Special Purpose Application Software-application software are created to satisfy specific needs of an organization. Example are payroll software, railway reservation software etc.

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