Monday, January 14, 2013


  What  are  the  components of Physical database     structure of Oracle Database?

a). One or more Data files, two are more Redo Log files, and one or more Control files.
b). two are more Redo Log files, and one or more Control files.
c). One or more Data files and one or more Control files.
d). one or more Control files.

 What  are  the  components  of  Logical  database  structure  of ORACLE database?

a). The Database's Schema Objects.
b). Tablespaces or  Database's Schema Objects.
c). Tablespaces
d). Tablespaces and the Database's Schema Objects.

What is a Tablespace?

a).grouped related logical structures together
b).separate and related logical structures together
c).grouped related physical structures together
d).none of these

 What is SYSTEM tablespace and When is it Created?

a). ORACLE  database  contains  a  tablespace   SYSTEM,  which  is automatically  created  when the database is created.
b). ORACLE  database doesnot have any table space
c). ORACLE  database  contains  a  tablespace   SYSTEM,  which  has to created manually
d). None of these

      What is schema?

a). A schema is collection of database  
b). A schema is collection of database objects of a User.
c). A schema is collection of data
d). None of these

  What are Schema Objects ?

a). Schema  objects  are  the  physical  structures 
b). Schema  objects  are  the  data 
c). Schema  objects  are  the  logical  structures 
d). None of these

 Schema objects that  directly refer to _______________

a).the database's  data.
b). Database
c). Table
d). None of these


 _________include tables, views, sequences, synonyms, indexes,  clusters,  database  triggers, procedures, functions packages and database links.

a) DataBase
b) Schema  objects
c). Objects
d).None of these

Ans: b

 Can objects of the same Schema reside in different tablespaces.?

a) Yes.
b) No
c). Sometimes
d). May be


 Can a Tablespace hold objects from different Schemes ?

a) Yes.
b) No
c). Sometimes
d). May be


 What is Table?

a). the basic unit of data storage in an ORACLE database.
b). the basic unit of program in an ORACLE database.
c). the basic unit of file in an ORACLE database.
d). None of these


 What is a View ?

a). virtual  table.
b). New Table
c). Not a table
d). None of these


 Do View contain Data?

a). Yes
b)Views do not contain or store data.
c). Might be
d). None of these


 Can a View based on another View?

a) Yes.
b) No
c). Sometimes
d). May be

Ans :a

 What are the advantages of Views?

a).Provide  an  additional level of table security,
b).Hide data complexity.
c).Simplify commands for the user.
d). All the above


 What is a Sequence ?

a).list of unique numbers for numerical columns of a database's tables.
a).list of unique numbers for numerical rows of a database's tables.
a).list of unique numbers for numerical columns and rows of a database's tables.
d). None of these

Ans: a

  What is a Synonym?

b). View
c).A synonym is an alias for a table, view, sequence or program unit.
d). None of these


 What are the types of Synonyms?

a).Private and Public.
d).None of these


 What is a Private Synonyms ?

a). Accessed by all
b). accessed only by the owner.
c). accessed by DBA
d). None of these

Ans: b

 What is a Public Synonyms ?

a). Accessed by all
b). accessed only by all the user.
c). accessed by DBA
d). None of these
 Ans :b

 What are synonyms used for ?

a). Mask the real name and owner of an object.
b.Provide public access to an object
c.Provide location transparency for tables,views or program units of a remote database.
d. All the above

Ans: d

 What is an Index ?

  1. an optional structure associated with a table to have direct access  to  rows,which  can  more columns of a table.
  2. Data
  3. Table
  4. None of these


  How are Indexes Update ?

a. automatically maintained and used by ORACLE
b. doesn’t get updated
c. by objects
d. None of these


  What are Clusters?

  1. groups  of  one or more tables physically stores together to share common columns
  2. Data
  3. Table
  4. Object


 What is cluster Key?

a. The related columns of the tables in a cluster
d. None of these


 What is Index Cluster ?

a. Table
b.A Cluster with an index
c. Object
d. None of these


 What is  Database Link ?

a. access to data
b. A database link is a named object that describes a "path" from one database to another.
c. data storage
d. None of these

Ans: b

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